Assessment Criteria
1. Education. Completed Secondary 5, or equivalent; possess a valid Tourist Guide Licence issued by the Travel Industry Authority or pre-existing tourist guide pass taken as a tourist guide licence (issued by the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong); and completed any of the geotourism, geopark or equivalent courses recognised by the R2G Secretariat. [ Please click here for detail ]
2. Experience. Must have at least 80 hours of proven experience* in guiding geopark tours in the 12 months prior to the application closing date.
3. Conservation notion: Must understand and support the concepts of the R2G system and UNESCO Global Geoparks.
4. Knowledge. Must possess basic knowledge of geodiversity, biodiversity, culture, history, conservation and geopark concepts. Must master the geology, geomorphology, ecology, and cultural history of various geopark attractions, and understand the principles and management of Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark.
5. Language ability. Must be able to clearly and fluently conduct a geopark tour, and present information on geological features and sites in his/her mother language and at least one other language (e.g. Putonghua or English).
6. Professional ethics. Must be committed to high standards of professional ethics, must be eager to learn and willing to cooperate with others, and must not have any record of misconduct.
7. Risk cognition and management. Must clearly understand and be fully aware of the potential risks and safety issues associated with geopark tours, and have knowledge of appropriate risk-management techniques.
8. Skills. Must have skills in guiding and interpreting outdoor tours; must be able to plan, design and organise tours.
9. Physical condition. Must be in good shape, fit for outdoor activities.
10. Personality. Must be enthusiastic, willing to learn and passionate about nature.
Remarks: R2G applications will be initially screened according to the above criteria before candidates are invited for the individual interview assessment.
* The size of geopark tours must not exceed a ratio of 1:25. Applicants are required to provide geotour records requested by the Secretariat.
2. Experience. Must have at least 80 hours of proven experience* in guiding geopark tours in the 12 months prior to the application closing date.
3. Conservation notion: Must understand and support the concepts of the R2G system and UNESCO Global Geoparks.
4. Knowledge. Must possess basic knowledge of geodiversity, biodiversity, culture, history, conservation and geopark concepts. Must master the geology, geomorphology, ecology, and cultural history of various geopark attractions, and understand the principles and management of Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark.
5. Language ability. Must be able to clearly and fluently conduct a geopark tour, and present information on geological features and sites in his/her mother language and at least one other language (e.g. Putonghua or English).
6. Professional ethics. Must be committed to high standards of professional ethics, must be eager to learn and willing to cooperate with others, and must not have any record of misconduct.
7. Risk cognition and management. Must clearly understand and be fully aware of the potential risks and safety issues associated with geopark tours, and have knowledge of appropriate risk-management techniques.
8. Skills. Must have skills in guiding and interpreting outdoor tours; must be able to plan, design and organise tours.
9. Physical condition. Must be in good shape, fit for outdoor activities.
10. Personality. Must be enthusiastic, willing to learn and passionate about nature.
Remarks: R2G applications will be initially screened according to the above criteria before candidates are invited for the individual interview assessment.
* The size of geopark tours must not exceed a ratio of 1:25. Applicants are required to provide geotour records requested by the Secretariat.
Q1: Do my geological field trips to geopark attractions count as experience in guiding geopark tours?
A1: No, geological field trips are not counted as experience in guiding geopark tours.
Q2: I have enrolled in a recognized course, but I have not yet completed it. Am I qualified to submit an R2G application?
A2: No. Candidates have to complete at least one of the geotourism, geopark or equivalent course recognised by the R2G Secretariat in order to be qualified to submit an application.
Q1: Do my geological field trips to geopark attractions count as experience in guiding geopark tours?
A1: No, geological field trips are not counted as experience in guiding geopark tours.
Q2: I have enrolled in a recognized course, but I have not yet completed it. Am I qualified to submit an R2G application?
A2: No. Candidates have to complete at least one of the geotourism, geopark or equivalent course recognised by the R2G Secretariat in order to be qualified to submit an application.